The Agility Handler’s Guide To Fleet Feet

I’m really excited to announce the release of The Agility Handler’s Guide To Fleet Feet. Over the last few weeks I’ve received many emails in response to one of my blog posts asking about what you can do to help improve your footwork, especially for agility.

To answer that question, I sat down with my wife Kim and we worked through her experiences and training as an international level agility competitor and reviewed all the different training techniques I’ve used in developing elite level youth hockey players. Drawing also on our shared university degrees in the study of human movement, we put together what I think is an awesome set of exercises geared directly at the unique requirements of the agility handler.

If you have ever thought to yourself any of these following, I believe The Agility Handler’s Guide To Fleet Feet can help you.

  • I have two left feet when I’m running an agility course.
  • I wish my dog didn’t have to wait for me to move on to the next obstacle.
  • I don’t think I can get into the right position for my handling choices.
  • I hope I don’t fall doing that front cross or smash into that obstacle.

You can relax. Help is here. With some hard work, those worrisome thoughts can be things of the past.

And, if your looking for something to give yourself an edge over your competition. Look no further.

I’m really excited to share The Agility Handler’s Guide To Fleet Feet with you.

Designed with the agility handler specifically in mind, the guide provides both an eBook and a video so that you can clearly see how the exercises are performed.

To celebrate the first time release of The Agility Handler’s Guide To Fleet Feet, we have a limited time, 20% off sale on the whole package. It’s a great deal that won’t last forever. Check it out now and don’t miss out on the savings.

Visit and start developing your own pair of fleet feet.

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  1. Connie B.
    13 years ago

    Do we need special equipment?

    • John Cullen
      13 years ago

      Hi Connie,

      We used cones and an agility ladder for the drills. You can find an agility ladder at most fitness stores but you can also make your own. Another option if you’re on a smooth flat surface like a lot of the matting used in indoor facilities, is to use tape to mark out the ladder or even chalk to make the marks. With one of the hockey teams I worked with they used permanent paint on rubber matting that was in the center of their workout/training room. You could always use the ladder and it was never misplaced. :)

  2. Claire
    13 years ago

    I’m thinking of making a ladder out of webbing only (no plastic bars).
    Would that work ?
    Maybe I could put stakes in the ground at both ends to make sure the ladder stays down flat ?

    • John Cullen
      13 years ago

      Hi Claire,

      The ladders that I’ve seen that are made out of webbing have two small flexible metal tubes sewn into each rung. The structure to the rungs make it much easier to set up and the extra weight helps keep it in place. I would be careful using stakes. You will catch your feet in the ladder from time to time and if it’s staked to the ground, I think you’ll either trip or rip the ladder. If it’s not fixed to the ground, then usually all that happens is your feet pull the ladder out of square and you have to reset it.

  3. June
    13 years ago

    Question – What equipment if any do you need for the exercises?

  4. June
    13 years ago

    Sorry disregard previous question as I have now read the comments. Didnt think that one through

  5. Marlane Potts
    13 years ago

    I think this is a marvelous idea – over the past 2.5 years I’ve learned so much from all the greats like Susan Garret, Linda Orton-Hill and Gregg Derrett. Feeling confident about teaching my boys their stuff Now……what about me the handler……Many times I have asked if there were any courses created for handling skills like right from basics……I have not found anyone who actually teaches handling skills as a stand alone course — have I missed something that already exists?